EUscreen joins a consortium of European partners – consisting of news agencies, universities, archives and a media accelerator – to create a novel training programme adapted to current challenges and technological developments in journalism. The MediaNumeric project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and will run for a period of 3 years.

About MediaNumeric
Digitization has changed all aspects of the news media landscape, from the way news is made to how it is distributed and handled. European citizens and journalists are part of the largest information network that has ever existed. On the one hand, this offers opportunities for data-driven journalism to discover new stories and explore large (historical) datasets. On the other hand, the advent of these technological developments creates new challenges for journalists and citizens. Such as the widespread distribution of inaccurate and misleading information. These developments have shaken journalism to its foundations.
In this context, MediaNumeric aims to train a new generation of journalists and storytellers. The training program provides journalists with the tools and resources needed to create a user-driven, fair, balanced, economically sustainable and technologically advanced European media ecosystem.
MediaNumeric strives to gain in-depth understanding of the needs of the media industry and link them to the educational offerings of colleges and universities; by emphasizing the potential of using large multimedia databases for (data-driven) journalism and non-journalistic media productions; to provide a comprehensive training program; foster dialogue and understanding between sectors through discussions of data-driven media analysis and production, fact-finding and source criticism; and to ensure that the training material remains permanently accessible for use in education.
About the Alliance
MediaNumeric is funded from the Erasmus + program of the European Union and runs from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. The consortium consists of leading players from academia, industry and audiovisual archives from four EU member states:
- The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NL)
- Hogeschool Inholland (NL)
- FINA National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institut (PL)
- SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (PL)
- AFP Agence France Presse (FR)
- INA Institut national de l’audiovisuel (FR)
- Storytek (EE) and
- the EUscreen Foundation (NL)

EUscreen: Europe on screen
EUscreen brings together audiovisual and broadcast archives across Europe. The EUscreen portal provides access to thousands of videos and serves as the aggregator for TV and radio heritage, providing over one million objects to the Europeana platform. For the purpose of the project, the EUscreen website, maintained by the EUscreen Foundation, will be used as the central hub with links to all training material, like videos, slides, handouts. The EUscreen portal is also key for the project as the online collections will also be used as example data in programme module III.
Explore the MediaNumeric website here and learn more about this exciting new project in their press release in different languages:
About the Alliance
MediaNumeric is funded from the Erasmus + program of the European Union and runs from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. The consortium consists of leading players from academia, industry and audiovisual archives from four EU member states:
- The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NL)
- Hogeschool Inholland (NL)
- FINA National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institut (PL)
- SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (PL)
- AFP Agence France Presse (FR)
- INA Institut national de l’audiovisuel (FR)
- Storytek (EE) and
- the EUscreen Foundation (NL)
EUscreen: Europe on screen
EUscreen brings together audiovisual and broadcast archives across Europe. The EUscreen portal provides access to thousands of videos and serves as the aggregator for TV and radio heritage, providing over one million objects to the Europeana platform. For the purpose of the project, the EUscreen website, maintained by the EUscreen Foundation, will be used as the central hub with links to all training material, like videos, slides, handouts. The EUscreen portal is also key for the project as the online collections will also be used as example data in programme module III.
Explore the MediaNumeric website here and learn more about this exciting new project in their press release in different languages: