Publication Report on Training and Coaching Workshop with Stakeholder Board Members

This report is a presentation and synthesis of the “Training and Coaching Workshop” (WP6 – D6.3) that was organised in Paris on September 5 and 6, 2022, at the headquarters of Agence France-Presse. After two on-site training sessions with students in Paris and The Hague, and a third and last one to come in Warsaw in February 2023, the goal of the workshop was to bring together staff professionals and researchers, selected from the Stakeholder Board, to help in crafting the online iteration of the MediaNumeric course.

MediaNumeric establishes strong relations between institutions representing HEIs (INH, SWPS), media industry (AFP, Storytek), and cultural heritage institutions (NISV, FCC), with INA representing both the education and archival domain. The Stakeholder Board, gathering 24 recognised experts and professionals in the media, heritage, data and training domains, broadens the industry relations with the project. By engaging Stakeholder Board members in a series of brainstorming exercises, the main aim of the workshop was to list the minimum requirements for the MediaNumeric online course, to be deployed in October 2023. The main goals of the MediaNumeric data-driven journalism and data storytelling online course is to be hands-on (adapted to the needs of the industry and its evolution), as well as free and openly available.

The participants of the workshop were divided into 3 groups, each composed of representatives from the different sectors of the MediaNumeric project (journalism-based content creators, academics, archivists, digital/data experts). The exercises offered as prompts for the working session helped answer questions such as: Who should the online course be for? How asynchronous should the online learning experience be? Should students receive a certificate for completion of the course? Should additional modules/topics be added to the online course? At the end of the workshop, consensus was found around the answers of the main questions however, answers to additional questions needed continued attention.

The deliverable gives an overview of the planning and execution of the working session, the agenda and the methodology including design thinking tools, as well as further actions and conclusions from the work session for the consortium, especially regarding communication and exploitation (WP7) and the further work plan towards the MediaNumeric Online course

Download the Report on the Training and Coaching
Workshop with Stakeholder Board Members here

MediaNumeric Conference 2023

The bustling city lights of Warsaw played host to the MediaNumeric conference, where an impressive gathering of the media industry took place last November. Against
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The MediaNumeric project has been co-funded by the European Commission under grant agreement No. 621610-EPP-1-2020-1-NL-EPPKA2-KA. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.