This deliverable presents the evaluation report of the MediaNumeric second training session,
which took place at Inholland’s University campus in The Hague (The Netherlands), from 27th June
to 2nd July, 2022. This document describes the two main steps of the evaluation:
- The assessment of participant satisfaction (‘on-the-spot’ evaluation and delayed-evaluation).
- The internal evaluation led by the consortium during and after the training course.
This evaluation highlighted the following key points:
- MediaNumeric training course offers an up-to-date panorama of topics related to data-journalism, creative storytelling and fact-checking;
- The course promotes collaboration and information sharing between students of different nationalities and backgrounds;
- The pedagogical resources, the activities and study visit contribute to the attractiveness of the training course;
- Students regret not having had enough time for practical work and case study presentations;
- They would also have liked more interactivity in the courses, and more consistency between the different interventions, in terms of level of challenge.